Jaxo Systems  
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Jaxo Systems QR Code Welcome to Jaxo Systems, the Company that brings the world of 2D barcodes to handsets and PC's.

In several years of Research & Development, Jaxo Systems developed a powerful and efficient Java library for barcodes, handling imagery, encoders, and decoders.

We ported our expertize to several Java environments: J2SE, of course, J2ME, then BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and, finally, Android.

To established companies, Jaxo Systems proposes to share its expertise, providing key-in-hand solutions to the market of advertisements, ticketing, filing, and more.

Jaxo video  
This startup offers to download for free a 2D barcode decoder working on more than 300 mobiles.

Generate your own 2D barcode on your PC
BarShow is a full-featured editor to create most linear and 2D barcodes. 

Decode QR-code, Datamatrix, or EAN13 barcodes
  • from your mobile's camera
  • capturing images on your PC.
  • using your PC's Webcam

Discover Snap'A'Bar Successor
1D / 2D Barcode Decoder and Encoder, running on

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Our engineers work hard to keep our solutions at the State of the Art. Often new revisions are released for maintenance and also extensions. Keep yourself informed: visit again our site, or register to our newsletter.  Your email: 

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